EMERGENCY Information
What to do for Animals before and during a DISASTER

Do NOT forget your four-legged family members!
Plan in advance what you will do to save them!
If it is not safe for you to stay at your home, then it is NOT safe for your animal!
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What to do for Animals before and
during a DISASTER
, including Hurricanes.

List for 

List for  CATS
List for  HORSES
Suggestion:  Store your 'Emergency' Pet Supplies in a portable container
such as a waterproof tote bag  or  large plastic portable file box or large plastic tool box.
(Bag of Dry Pet Food can be placed in a plastic bag .)
Make certain to include a pet first aid book and  have a written list with your vet's name and
phone number
as well a phone number for an 'after hours' Emergency Vet Hospitals in your area.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) - www.fema
Evacuation/Emergency tips - www.hsus.org

Other helpful information:

Make sure to have a First Aid 'book' such as the one listed.
PET FIRST AID : Cats and Dogs;  ISBN: # 157857000X
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Call or go by your local book store.
If they do not have it, they can order it.

Heatstroke Information

National Animal Poison Control Center
Call 24 hours a day from anywhere in the U.S.
(NOTE: There may be a fee charged.)

Animal CPR

'Pet Friendly' HOTELS
Hotel Chains: www.petswelcome.com/chains.html
by State: www.petswelcome.com/milkbone/map.html

'HORSE Friendly' Bed and Breakfast Inns

Use caution when traveling with a pet!
They may get loose and become lost, get stolen,  may suffer from heatstroke
if left if a vehicle or on or waiting for a plane, or many other problems are possible.

We suggest you print out a list of EMERGENCY VETS to take with you when travelling
and also place a list in with your Emergency Supplies for your animals.

(Make sure to also have a First Aid book.)

Consider a MicroChip for your pet.
Always have ID tags on your pets which have TWO phone numbers listed on the tag.
Frequently Asked Questions....

First Aid Kit for Pets....1st_Aid_Kit
SEVERAL Kits....1st_Aid_Kit

to Help Animals in a Disaster:

There are many organizations to help 'people' in a disaster but
only a very few that help animals.
Emergency Animal Rescue Service (EARS)

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A disaster is not an excuse to abandon those for whom we are responsible.
Animals ALSO feel pain and experience fear,
every bit as much as we do.

EARS_FloodPhoto.jpg (10364 bytes)
If it is not safe for you to stay at your home,
then it is NOT safe for your animal!

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